Some useful info on caring for your cat
As a responsible pet owner, you want to make sure that your cat stays fit and healthy. Keeping your pet up to date with their vaccinations is vital to provide immunisation and protection against many life-threatening diseases, for which there may be no cure.
Vaccinations are also essential if you wish to place your cat in a cattery as they will not accept them unless you have an up to date vaccination certificate.
All cats should have an annual booster to keep them fully protected. It is very important to ensure that you keep these timescales otherwise you may need to re-start a full course.
Your kitten will need a course of 2 vaccinations. The first injection can be given from 9 weeks of age and the 2nd at 12 weeks. Ideally, we would recommend that your kitten is kept indoors until it is neutered at approximately 4 months old, although they can get out 1 week after their 2nd vaccination if required.
Neutering your cat is a very important part of responsible pet ownership. Unless you wish to breed from your pet, we recommend that you consider this for a number of reasons. It goes without saying that every year the animal charities are inundated with unwanted animals abandoned due to excessive unplanned breeding.
For female dogs and cats that are not spayed, they face a higher risk of developing womb infections later in life which can be fatal and will require major surgery. They are also at risk of mammary and uterine tumours.
For unneutered cats, they can pick up fatal diseases such as Feline Aids or Feline Leukaemia. Additionally, males can become more territorial and this can see them becoming aggressive and often sees them getting into fights.
Cats can be neutered from 4 months of age as advised by the CPL, PDSA, RSPCA and Feline Advisory Bureau. Please speak to one of our staff for details on neutering.
We recommend that your new pet is wormed for all worms every two weeks until 12 weeks old, then monthly until 6 months old. Worming is recommended every 3-6months for life as every pet will get worms at some point during their life which can cause various health problems.
Prevention is better than cure…
These is a bewildering array or anti-parasitic products on the market and we will be happy to give advice about the products most suited to your pet’s lifestyle. Flea treatment is advised to be given monthly to prevent a flea infestation on your pet and in your home.
Cats and dogs can be affected by a number of skin parasites including fleas, lice, mites that live on the skin or in ears and ticks. These can be contracted from other affected pets, from wildlife or from the environment (this includes your home if one of your pets has brought in fleas!). Signs can include itching (but not in all cases), hair loss, head shaking, reddening of the skin or even sightings of the parasites on your pet.
Like with humans – your pet can get plaque build-up, gum disease and abscesses which can be very painful and can lead to them having to have many teeth removed under general anaesthetic. Also, if your pet has dental problems this can affect their ability to eat and can result in weight loss, digestive problems or even kidney disease.
It is important to remember that most dental disease is treatable. Certainly the vast majority of the disease is preventable.
A frighteningly high percentage of our pets are in urgent need of dental treatment. This means that they are walking around with infection and inflammation in their mouths. Not only is there infection in the mouth - but it can spread to affect the whole body. We can offer preventative dental care including animal toothpaste and toothbrushes.